Thursday, March 10, 2011

Healthier Eating for Spring (30 Day Vegan Workshop)

I've been doing the 30 Day Vegan workshop this week and have been enjoying trying some new recipes.  Last week, the girls and I went shopping for healthier food, put the food into glass canning jars and labeled them, and cleaned some of the kitchen cupboards. (You can see pictures if you search for "30 Day Vegan Workshop" on this blog.)

This week, we have been integrating more vegan meals.  Here are some of the new items we've been enjoying this week:

Dilled Cabbage Slaw

The dilled cabbage slaw includes green cabbage, red radishes, celery, and red onion.  The dressing is a combination of apple cider vinegar, chopped fresh dill, dijon mustard, olive oil, and black pepper.  I was raised with coleslaw slathered in the trio of Miracle Whip-vinegar-sugar so I wasn't sure what to expect with this recipe.  It was very good and reminded me of summer.  Having the variety of fresh vegetables as well as the delicious combination of flavors made for a refreshing salad.

Clean and Fresh Quinoa Tabouli

I made this for dinner yesterday (along with the dilled cabbage slaw and a slice of bread).  The dressing portion of the recipe called for the juice of two lemons, olive oil, and sea salt.  The lemons produced about one cup of lemon juice which was a bit too much for the amount of quinoa, variety of vegetables (cucumber, red onion, scallions, and cherry tomatoes), and mint. 

However, when we had some for lunch today, the majority of the dressing had been absorbed into the quinoa so it wasn't as "soupy" looking as it looks in the picture.  I think the juice of one lemon would have been sufficient (that's how I'll make it the next time I prepare this recipe).  The mint definitely added a nice flavor to the tabouli. 

Made homemade granola (oats and coconut) flavored with maple syrup, vanilla, and coconut oil.  Baked it in the oven for 40 minutes and as it was cooling down, both the girls wanted to sample it.  "It smells so good!" Sophia said.  They enjoyed tasting the maple syrup in the granola. 

It's been interesting to see how the girls are open to changing the type of food they eat.  Sophia asked if she could pick out more Brussels sprouts at the store on Thursday.  "Absolutely!" I told her. 

Olivia (who is 8 years old) started fixing herself lunch today while I stepped outside briefly.  The first thing she picked from the refrigerator:  organic strawberries from the co-op that she sampled on Wednesday.  "The strawberries are delicious!" she said.

Lunch today included soup, a choice of two salads, and snack mix from the co-op.  Sophia looked at her plate and her reaction was, "Yum!  Look how healthy this lunch is!" 

Now that's what I like to hear!!


  1. I had too much lemon juice in mine too. It is such a joy to watch the kids through the process!

  2. wow- those dishes look delicious!
    I am a life long vegetarian and I was vegan for 6 years-- I reintroduced the dairy back into my diet when I became pregnant with wesley. I LOVED being took about 30 days for me to get used to it, but I never looked back.
    mama,I LOVE your kite paper stars! I am horrible at making them, sadly. Trying to get better. Maybe you'd be up for a trade? Maybe 4 or 5 small stars for a custom felted playscape with peg dolls included?


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!