Tuesday, February 15, 2011

52 Weeks of Giving - Week 7 - Sing and Perform in a Children's Choir

The girls are on Week 7 of their 52 Weeks of Giving program.  Each week, they are doing a different type of community service or donation of their time and skills.  This past week, the girls shared their voices as they sang at two church services on the day before Valentine's Day.

Sophia and Olivia in their outfits for singing

The girls in the children's choir all were asked to wear white shirts and pull their hair up into a ponytail or pigtails (for a 1950s look). The choir director's wife had made matching skirts for all the girls - pink ones with a heart on the front. In the center of the heart she had embroidered on her sewing machine each girl's name.

The girls sang to over 150 people during the first service;
and even more people during the second service.

The children sang a song to the tune of "Rock Around the Clock;" and they all did a nice job singing.  People were smiling as they watched the children sing.  The choir not only sings at church, but they go out into the community and has performed at nursing homes and a church in northern Wisconsin (where the choir director's son is a pastor). 

Around the holidays, the children all sign cards to seniors who may be spending the day alone (the person's spouse has died), is recovering from an illness, or needs cheering up.  The choir did this for Valentine's Day and will be doing this again at Easter. 

The girls have been involved with the children's choir for over three years now, and look forward to going to practice each week.  They perform almost monthly during the school year, and have a break during the summer.  The final performance for this season is on Mother's Day.


  1. Now these are memories the girls will have forever. What cuties they are. Love the skirts!

  2. HI Ann~! Thanks for making the connection by leaving a comment on my blog. I have really enjoyed my visit to your blog...getting to know your girls...and all the great things you've done with them.

    Love love love all the baking and strategies you have. Adding you to my reader...but I'm not a regular...I tend to cycle around the blogs otherwise my whole life would be spent there! Enjoy your girls...I can see that you do...



Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!