Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Countdown to Christmas - Days 7 and 8 (Reading, Helping, & Computer Fun)

For days 7 and 8 on the Countdown to Christmas, I wasn't feeling too well.  In fact, on Tuesday I spent a couple of hours at the doctor getting x-rays and labwork done.  Am on some medicine now that hopefully will take away the pain. 

So, on these days I had hoped to make fabric ornaments (Day 7) and make up a Christmas story that we'd record and then I'd type (Day 8).  The story would be put in a booklet and then each Christmas we'd make up a new one and add it to the book.  Maybe we'll do these later in the month.

What I did do on Days 7 and 8, was read The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus by L. Frank Baum (who also wrote The Wizard of Oz).  It's a chapter book, so I'm reading several chapters of the book each day to the girls.

They also played a few games on the Countdown to Track Santa.  Each day there is a different game that's posted.  It's a simple (and fun) way to get experience moving the mouse and using the keyboard.

We also went to my parents' home to help them set up for Christmas.  The girls helped my mom bring Christmas items up from the basement (since she has a lot of trouble walking due to knee problems), and decorated their tree. 

While they were doing that, I took my dad (who has Alzheimer's Disease) to a dentist appointment, photocopied their newsletter that I wrote for them, get a new clothes washer (theirs broke), and then took him shopping to get my mom some Christmas gifts.  Because he no longer can go anywhere by himself, he is unable to get her gifts.  I helped him find some things that she could use.  I'm going to wrap the gifts for him, and then help him write his name and my mom's name on the tag so that she'll get several surprises on Christmas.  I can't wait to see her reaction! 

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