Saturday, November 13, 2010

Days 8-13 - Art Every Day Month

Six days have passed since my last posting about Art Every Day Month which runs from November 1-30th.  My goal is to do something creative every day this month - just as the challenge recommends.  For me, when I think of doing something creative, it is related to the visual arts - it's almost as if I need to see a final product to feel like I did something creative.

In reality, creativity is much more than that.  I think of different ways that I've been creative during the past six days:

- Wrote a three-page short story for a swap on Swap-Bot.  The directions were that you picked one of ten fortunes from fortune cookies and incorporated it into the story you wrote. One of the characters in the story had to say the fortune in her/his conversation.  The fortune I picked was: "You should buy something because you need it, not because it is on sale." 

The story was based on an experience when I was in college when I purchased an incredibly expensive and very fancy dress (which was on sale) for a night at the ballet.  To make a short story even shorter, my father - when he saw the dress - made me return it because it was, essentially, a waste of money. The story concludes:

However disappointed she was, he was right. It was a frivolous expense. “Okay…I’ll return it,” she said half-dejectedly and half-relieved. “Well, at least I won’t have to pay for it,” she thought to herself.

“Dad, will you at least take a couple of pictures of me in the dress so I can remember it?” she asked.

“Of course. I’ll get my camera. Why don’t you go into the living room and I’ll take some pictures of you in there. You do look pretty in the dress.”

“Thanks,” she said as she smiled. And, maybe that’s all that was important…just hearing her father say words she wanted to hear and to provide that gentle guidance he had done all through her childhood.

She knew that he was proud when she listened to him and followed his advice….and she was happy to have a father who helped her make good decisions. In the end, that was what truly mattered.

- Cooked dinners using what I had on hand rather than following any recipes.  I'm trying to clean out my cupboards and freezer by using ingredients that are available, rather than going out and purchasing more food.  Trying to pick 1-2 items from the freezer, an item or two from the refrigerator, and the balance from canned or boxes good in the cupboard was generally what I started with when I made the dinners.  Ended up with well-balanced meals that everyone enjoyed which was good. 

- Began work on another little cross-stitch piece.  This one has a couple of lambs and flowers.  Nothing complicated.  Am about half done, and should finish on Sunday.

- Made three more window stars for customers.  Got a customer order/request from another customer who wants me to make two 16-point window stars in 6-inch or smaller sizes.  Will work on those stars on Sunday.

This is one of the three window stars I made today.

- Organized the mudroom after it had been gutted and repaired.  Only put back the items that were needed.  The rest were either donated or thrown away.

- Worked with Sophia to repair the fence that a neighbor who lives about a quarter mile away ran into today during the major snow storm. It's a temporary repair that will hopefully stay in place until a fencing company fixes it.

The posts were pushed out of the ground when the car hit the fence.  Hopefully the fencing company will be able to permanently fix the fence this week.

Half of the double-grated apple tree fell under the weight of the wet-heavy snow today.  This was the side that was full of white blossoms in the spring. The other side had pink blossoms.

1 comment:

  1. When I think of doing something creative I too instinctly think of visual arts! During the first week of AEDM, and still somewhat, I was just so incredibly busy that I hardly had time to sit down and craft. So I felt like I was already failing the first week of the challenge heh. Then I decided that no, indeed there are other creative things to do as well. Like cooking a nice meal from scratch, writing a story, photography etc. It's just harder to show this kind of creativity then when you make something like a painting or a card or ATC or what not. :)

    That window star is pretty, I bet it's beautiful when the sunlight shines on it.

    And wow.. snowstorm?!! Here we are in the mids of Autumn with heavy rainfall and bad stormy weather, but snow still is prety far of and not even sure we'll get any this year (I do hope and do think so, we've had a good bit of snow last winter but the years before it hardly snowed in my parts!).


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!