Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 4 - Construction and Creativity

Today marked a day filled with de-construction, construction, and creativity.  The first two were done by two local men who gutted the mudroom and re-constructed it...only a lot better than what was there before and more beautiful, safe, and with a greater eye to detail. 

Acoustic tiles, insulation, and light fixture removed from ceiling. 
Awaiting new insulation and wood ceiling to better match the walls.

Their work on the mudroom is to fix the mudroom as a result of storm damage to the home back in August.  I'm so happy with what they've done so far, and am excited to see what tomorrow brings when the new wood ceiling, walls, and trim around the windows are stained and sealed.

The creativity part - mentioned above - is what I've done for the Art Every Day Month challenge.  This marks Day 4 of what seems to be limited to only window star making.  As much as I enjoy making the window stars, it will be nice to shift my skills to other things I am looking forward to creating.

In addition to the orders for customers that I completed today (8 window stars), I created a new window star using one of my favorite patterns:
This time, rather than making it in a single color or combination of two colors, I did a rainbow. Normally, my rainbow stars have only one point per color. With this star, there are 16 points, so each color has two points. I'll be listing this one in my shop making another one to keep and use at home.

1 comment:

Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!