Saturday, September 18, 2010

Special Kids Day

Olivia on Hay Ride
Originally uploaded by Pictures by Ann
An organic farm about 15 minutes from here does an event each year for children with special needs. Both Olivia and Sophia have special needs, and were excited about going to this event.

They got to:
- ride horses;
- see/pet farm animals (barn cats, chickens, ducks, goats, foals, and pigs);
- play in a soybean pit (an area filled with soybeans that they could sit in, fill buckets of soybeans with, bury one another in, or slide into);
- tour the calf barn and see a one-week old calf; go on a hayride;
- have lunch;
- play on a huge swing set;
- listen to live music;
- bounce in a “bouncy house”; and
- go on a train ride (there’s an historic train that’s nearby that offers 45-minute rides).

We had such a wonderful time – with such a variety of activities. I think we laughed more that afternoon than we had in a long time.

It was so nice not to have to worry about anything and have everything taken care of – especially having a meal cooked that I didn’t have to cook!

It’s the little things that make a difference…and this was definitely something that we will all look back on with good memories.

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