Wednesday, July 21, 2010

One Side of Votive Candles

At The Shrine of Guadalupe, there is a beautiful Votive Candle Chapel. These are some of the many candles in the largest candle rack in the United States. The rack contains 576 votive candles; and measures 14 feet high and 12 feet wide on each of its four sides.

My parents, Sophia, Olivia, a friend of the family (Maureen), and I visited the Shrine. For me, this was one of the prettiest places at the Shrine. I could only imagine how beautiful the chapel is in the dark when many of the candles are lit and glowing.


  1. I really wonder how they get the candles so high.... I mean is it possible to buy a candle and light it or will someone there light them all?

  2. Yes, they accept donations for the candles. You can have one lit for you (or in honor/memory of someone else) for one week, one month, six months, a year, or whatever timeframe you tell them.

    Someone there would light the candle for you if you aren't able to make it there.

    If you can visit The Shrine, then you are able to light and pick the spot for the candle.


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