Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Handmade Pillowcase

Handmade Pillowcase
Originally uploaded by Pictures by Ann
Made a pillowcase set to enter in the county fair. Followed a pattern on ConnKerr cancer which was very easy.

After the county fair, the pillowcases will be donated to ConnKerr Cancer.

The heart/flower/handprint fabric was from a bedsheet. It was worn out in some areas, but perfectly fine in other areas. Used the good section of fabric to make the pillowcase body.

The purple fabric is fabric I've had on hand, but hadn't used yet. I thought it looked nice with the colorful print of the hearts/handprints/flowers.

For more information and/or to make a pillowcase for a child who has cancer and is at a hospital receiving treatment, please visit: www.conkerrcancer.org/

(This was also a wish of a person on Swap-Bot's Wishlist group - to donate a pillow for the 1 Million Pillowcases Challenge - more information is here: www.allpeoplequilt.com/millionpillowcases/faqs/ )

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