Sunday, June 20, 2010

An Unexpected Visitor

Curt and Family
Originally uploaded by Pictures by Ann
Had an expected visitor - a gentleman who lived in the home when he was a boy in the early- to mid-1930s. He is the second one from the left in the picture (wearing the navy blue shirt).

He shared many memories while walking through the home. Since returning to his summer home in CT, he sent me an email with more memories. Once he gets back to his winter home in Sanibel to his computer, he'll send me the rest of recollections of the home and his time here which are stored on that computer. I'm looking forward to reading more about them.

This home was built in 1890. He remembers it when it didn't have electricity or plumbing. He slept on a cornhusk bed which provided "adequate" nights of sleep.

He remembers listening to a show once a week on the battery-powered radio about "gang busters;" collecting eggs from the chicken coop; picking beans in the garden; and a wood stove in the kitchen.

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