Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thanksgiving Stars...and Being Thankful

These are the newest window stars I made for Thanksgiving and autumn. I made them for a monthly challenge on HandmadeMN (the theme is "Thankful for...).

Here's the link to vote (it's free and takes only a few seconds):

The window stars are made from a translucent paper that is cut into small pieces, folded multiple times per point, and then glued together to create the star.

The stars are available in my shop, Harvest Moon by Hand, at http://www.harvestmoonbyhand.etsy.com.
Something to think about today:

What is one thing that you are thankful for?


  1. I'm thankful for a happy healty life :-)
    I love your Thanksgiving stars. They are beautiful!
    See you around :-)

  2. There are so many things I would like to thank for on this thanksgiving..

    Happy Thanksgiving Cards


Thanks for taking time to read my blog and share your comments. Have a great day!