Saturday, January 24, 2009

"Olivia's Choice Day"

What's a "Choice Day" may be asking. It's when one of the girls picks an activity that she wants to do that everyone in the family also can participate in and do together. It's a way to strengthen the family and grow closer together.

The "Choice Days" are always done on the last Saturday of each month. One month, Olivia chooses what she wants to do. The following month, Sophia chooses what she wants to do.

For January, Olivia picked going to the American Girl store at the Mall of America. She enjoyed looking at the different dolls, the outfits, and the accessories. Here she's standing in front of one of the many dioramas at the store. The diorama features Kit, her dog, and a little table set for a tea party.

For homeschooling, the girls are listening to the Kit series right now and learning about the Great Depression and life in the 1930s. The trip to the American Girl store was a nice "field trip" for the unit study.

After the American Girl store, we headed over to A World of Fish in Minneapolis off 66th Street. It's been around since the mid-1970s. Supposedly, it's one of the top 30 fish stores in the U.S. There is quite a selection of freshwater and saltwater fish. The girls enjoyed seeing the fish and feeding the koi fish.

Next month, it's Sophia's turn to pick what she wants to do for her Choice Day. It will be interesting to see what she chooses to do.

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