Thursday, September 25, 2008

Feeding Goats at the Apple Orchard

Went to the apple orchard as we do every year. The girls love feeding the goats. Went on a nice walk on one of the trails at the orchard. Got a bunch of apples that we made into applesauce. This year I canned it all rather than freezing it.

This is one of my favorite parts of homeschooling - being able to take "field trips" like this, and have the girls see and interact with animals that we don't have at home. Their phy ed for the day was the beautiful walk on the trail.

Their hands-on math lesson was purchasing an item or two from the orchard's store. (You can see that each are carrying purses that have a little bit of money in it. They used it to purchase treats to eat. In terms of homeschooling, this is a great way for them to learn about counting, money, and math.)

At home, they helped make the applesauce (a home ec lesson).

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