Friday, August 1, 2008

Embroidered Henny Penny Taking a Stroll

I've been enjoying making textile artist trading cards (ATCs) recently. This is the most recent one. The size of Henny Penny Taking a Stroll is 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" - so the pieces and stitching are actually quite small.

What I like about ATCs - especially these textile ones - is that it is a great way to use fabric and embroidery floss that you have right on hand. There's no need to go out and purchase anything.

With the economy in a challenging state right now...with gas and food prices so is nice to be able to still create pieces without spending a lot of money.

The other aspect of ATCs that I enjoy is that as a mom who homeschools, my daughters are able to see a variety of different artistic styles from creative women throughout the world. They are able to touch these little works of art that come in the mail...something they can't do when they visit an art museum where you simply cannot touch the art.

Having daughters who both have sensory issues (sensory integration dysfunction), ATCs are a wonderful way for them to touch, feel, and get that sensory input they need - while at the same time being inspired by art created by such a diversity of artists. It's one aspect of art education that the girls truly enjoy.

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